Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Public Enemy #1: Black Woman "The Perspective of a Tired Black Man"

PART 1 [[FYI, title=alllll DeMarcus]]

As most everyone who is reading this knows (or at least SHOULD know) by now, I have the utmost respect for people who are able to present novel ideas in an intelligent manner.  Meaning, even if your opinion differs from mine, i can accept that, but that you will also hear me out and we won't necessarily ARGUE about it. [[maybe that wording is off...but in my head it makes sense...oh well..]]

--anyway, the other day, i had an intelligent conversation with one of those people, DeMarcus...pretty good guy :)  He said that Texas has the highest rate of divorce. (I wasn't aware of that so I welcomed this new knowledge...even though it seemed odd to me that he wants to raise his family here...but that's another story..). But then, he had the NERVE to say that 60% of those divorces are because the women are at fault.  yes, i bolded and underlined that.  i was shocked because we commonly hear about "dead-beat dads, men and their cheating ways, no-good men, etc.." but at the other end of the spectrum, we have single, hard-working mothers.  So, for him to put the majority of the blame on the women was slightly disturbing.

--To top it off, he had a LIST in his bag with the reasons why he felt this way AND supporting evidence for each...hence my rebuttal.  lol SOOO, we'll go through them all, his argument first, and then mine.  [[since I realized it would be waaaaaay too long to put both on the same blog, I'm going to write his out first, then do my response on a separate entry.]]

[[DeMarcus, after I reread it, I realized that most of that was all you, not too much of my words..!]] 

1) Women are Terrible Decision Makers
Women tend to see an attractive guy and immediately think that he could be "the one."  yet they fail to realize that what they see is what they get.  like, "you get what you pay for."  Girls, too often, try to "change" guys.  Say, for example, Rupert had a reputation for cheating.  LaToya really liked Rupert and he was super cute so she "chose" him under the impression that she was woman enough to stop his cheating ways.  FALSE.
Rupert is SET.

2) What's in the Past, is in the Past.
If a past relationship hurt you beforet, don't bring that same pain to your new relationship.  Not all guys are the same.  You have to give someone a chance to prove that they are different or else by assuming that they're all the same, you'll always have this wall up that will prevent any type of successful relationship at all.
--Love is a Risk.

3: "Angry Black Woman Syndrome"
(It made me laugh because he was quick to make sure I didn't take offense since that's what a psychologist called it. lol)
Anyway, mothers are notorious for passing on their outlooks on life to their (very) impressionable daughters.  For example, hearing consistent male bashing such as, "yo daddy ain't shit," may cause the daughter to believe that.  Due to this constant verbal bashing, the girl grows up to believe all males are the same and it will therefore inhibit the success of her future relationships with men.  DeMarcus claims that marital issues should be kept away from the children, don't bring them into it.  When you do, you're causing the child to choose sides and, primarily, taking away from the girl's impression of her daddy being a great husband/father.
--Don't teach your male-directed ANGER to your daughter.

4. Girls Influence Girls
Girls are always telling each other what's going on in their relationships and how to "decode" certain behaviors your man may have.
DeMarcus maintains, "if a guy leaves his sock on the couch, it's just a forgotten sock!!  There's no need for a girl to call her girlfriend and tell her so that she can hear, 'ooo girl, that means he does not respect you.' when in reality,  it's just a forgotten sock!"  Extra issues like these can be completely avoided if you keep your personal business to yourself and your significant other.
--Relationships are meant to be MONOGAMOUS.

5. Girls Like To Argue
Girls always want to have the last word in an argument.  They seldom like to admit defeat and it seems as if they enjoy hearing themselves talk. Furthermore, women (specifically Black) generally do not believe in a serene relationship; perhaps it is much insipid for them. The notion that arguments deliver some form of strength (sinew) to a relationship is idiotic! 
---Harmony > Discordance

6. Independent Movement
Allow me to begin by saying that if you're an undoubtedly single lady this is not for you. I commend you on your self-dependence. Now to all you beautiful, self-aware, INDEPENDENT women who are involved i.e. talking, dating, or exclusive with one, stop this NOW! Men dote on the essence of your independence (assuming you truly are) not necessarily the examples of it. For instance, if a guy offers to pay for something you wanted, this can be as little as frozen yogurt or as big as your wallet can stretch,  do not decline with haughty eyes (pridefully). You do not have to prove just how much of a "big-girl" you are. After all you are a WOMAN right? Independence should go unnoticed for the most part. It should be a ration of who you are not what you are. Allow a gentleman to be a gentleman but at the same instance do not expect me to hold the door open each time you pass. In closing, I'd like to revert back to my single self-dependent ladies for a few last words. Albeit in actuality these words are as much for you as they are to  those who are involved simply because you typically are the ones that turn out to have these issues beyond the bounds of single life. 
--- relationships are INTERdependent.

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