"according to a new poll, 1/3 of women who use social media go on facebook the second they wake up. In addition, we spend hours each day compulsively checking our email, twitter, and more. But busy as we might feel, experts say, we're often not processing much of it; we're just going through the motions-like zombies. And it all takes a toll on our mood, stress level, and relationships. We're never fully engaged in one thing, so we're never really satisfied."
the article suggested spending more time with friends...without your phone. it suggested "unplugging" for 24 hours...only it said NO MEDIA. [[ive recently become addicted to blogging and im expecting really important emails so i couldnt let those 2 go.]] anyway the lack of media enabled people who participated in the study to have longer, deeper conversations with each other. They suggested leaving your phone in your car when you're hanging out with your friends during times like happy hour. i know i've been out with friends and when there's a moment of silence, rather than fill it with conversation i've pulled out my phone and gotten on facebook or text someone interesting to keep me company. can i get an AMEN? -that's okay, you don't hafta say it. i know im not alone lol
they had some stuff in there about people with iphones but i was like "blaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh" because it doesn't apply to me. apparently iphones are the cause of a lot of bad stuff even though people think they are just the BUSINESS. smh.
so basically, im unplugging...at least for 24 hours. my phone is currently facedown, on silent, underneath my bed. im logged out of facebook but i plan to send this to facebook and then do some non-media type things. if i see that you have text/called/messaged me or whatever i will assuredly get back to you. if you leave a voicemail ill probably get back to you sooner though lol. anyway, hope you all have a beautiful day! [[check out my 45 day challenge so far, and/or follow me! :) ---> serendipitous anomaly]]
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